Tuesday, October 12, 2010

In the mood of "killing anyone that comes in My Way"!

So as the title goes, yeah. I am in the MOOD. My mood is forever vital to yours truly every single second. I am very ignorant about your feelings as I am to mine. The irony of me saying that my feelings are important to me and yet I ignore them is because feelings is something that affects you mentally, physically and emotionally without you being aware of its existence by itself. 

Here's the thing, the only reason why I do ignore my feelings (most of the time, NO, sometimes) yes is just cause I do not or I rather prevent myself into succumbing into my own feelings be it happy or "EMO". If you would realize or probably you would be too ignorant to this normalcy in conversations or gestures nowadays is that when people look at you and they think that you are, maybe rather down due to whatsoever they might only know after initiating a conversation at the next 5th minute with you, this is how they tend to... or you can say 'try talking to you' is by pointing their index finger towards you and rather speak enormously loud at the top of their lungs and say "YOU EMO!" or in any chatbox conversations, it would turn out to be a SHOUT OUT in Caps with multiple unending EXCLAMATION MARK!!!!!!!!!!! (Like this.) 

Bleh. Whatever. So as to my title again, I AM in the mood of "Killing Anyone That Comes In My Way!" Truth is, I'll never know when I'll throw a bombastic bomb right in your face the next time you might encounter a bump with me. (And we all know, it RARELY happens.) Hahaha. :)

Till the next time again and I was supposed to insert a picture but due to whatsoever lame excuses, I decided this will be it. THE LAME EXPRESSION.

Here's to the Breast Cancer Awareness Month to my darling females out there and not forgotten the 1 in out of 25000 guys eligible to be diagnose with breast cancer too, and yes, The Lord is fair and yeah, it's NOT COOL. 

Affirmative. I'm not doing shit today. That's what I've been constantly hammering into my head(s). 


P/S: I'm not EMO or "whatsoever" - Besides, the word EMO, wherever it originated from was never in my Vocabulary. Encore for that! ;)

Signing off in Red. 

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